About Us
Our Mission
FASO’s mission is to advance artistic excellence and community empowerment by being an avenue of cultural growth for future generations to develop love and pride in their identity through music.

The Filipino American Symphony Orchestra's vision is to serve as a global paragon of Filipino culture in symphony music.
Artistic Excellence
FASO is committed to the highest level of artistry.
FASO underscores professionalism, punctuality and respect.
We provide learning opportunities for students of all ages and abilities,
especially for the underserved.
FASO is committed to enhancing the quality of life through music.
FASO is committed to expanding the legacy of our musical heritage
for present and future generations.
Financial Responsibility
We are committed to financial sustainability
to ensure the fulfillment of FASO’s legacy.
Cultural Growth
We value the richness of the Philippines’ musical traditions
and promote its wider appreciation as a contribution to the community.
Diversity & Inclusion
We do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, height, weight, physical or mental ability, veteran status, military obligations, and marital status.
FASO is committed to serving all communities and is a strictly non-partisan organization. FASO does not endorse nor raise money for any political party or candidate. Views expressed by individual persons affiliated with FASO do not represent the views of the organization.